Tuesday 24 July 2012

Art Project: Pages 4,5,6,7,8 & 9

I'm gonna have to think of a better way to title these posts. What if I do a fourteen page long project? :| 

So this page started as a kind of 2am-oh-look-let's-do-something kinda thing. And then I did the first part, at which point I realised that I had no idea how to carry on with it... 

To start off with I drew the profile of a woman's face on the outer sides of the two central pages. I then cut around the edges of this outline. 

I then cut out pieces of various patterned paper into squares (mostly origami paper) and glued them onto the outer sides of this shape. The photos from this were blurred because apparently at 2am I am fully capable of doing art but not of taking photographs of it. 

I then had a minor tantrum, moaned about not knowing what to do, and then continued with this project about two weeks later, at which point I started on the central ... area... 

Firstly I put down a layer of red tissue paper using watered down PVA. 

I then swirled some short pieces of string onto the red tissue paper (it was still slightly sticky, meaning the string would sort of stick down). If I was to do this again I would have used some thinner bits of string and had a more complex kind of pattern, but never mind... 

After that I did a layer of black tissue paper around the edges and then coated the whole thing again with red tissue paper, using copious amounts of watered down PVA. 

As you can see, it looked kinda strange... 

I finished this by trimming off the edges and gluing down a printed off background photo for each outer page (I used old holiday pics).




This is a pretty odd one, but I much prefer it to the oil one on pages 2 & 3 so I consider it to be an achievement. 

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